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APD Western Balkans study tour on climate change adaptation in crop production

In May 2023, the new regional expert advisory working group (REAWG)  on climate change adaptation in the areas of crop production and water was founded in the Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD) Germany – Western Balkans. This group was now on its first study tour in Germany. The trip was organised by IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH (IAK) and took place from Oct 9-13, 2023.

During the week, appointments with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) presented Germany's approach to climate adaptation in the areas of crop production and water. At the German Meteorological Service, the participants of the study tour also learned more about the provision of relevant data for agriculture as well as current research projects on the topic of long-term yield forecasts. 

The delegation of around 15 representatives from agricultural ministries, research institutions and universities from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia was also able to see how the topic is being implemented on two farms: at the Nemt estate near Wurzen, a pioneer farm in terms of organic farming and recently equipped with fixed irrigation technology on a large scale, as well as at the Alt Madlitz castle estate in Brandenburg (Mark) with its scientifically accompanied experiments to increase the humus content of the sandy soil. The latter is best known for the wide-ranging appearances of its managing director Benedikt Bösel, who was named farmer of the year at the 2022 CERES AWARD.

Visits to the Julius Kühn-Institute in Berlin-Dahlem and to the impressive experimental fields of the Global Change Experimental Facility of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ) in Bad Lauchstädt rounded off the trip and offered exciting insights into the research landscape in the field of climate change adaptation.
